more about prototypes
楔子 原型鏈 (prototype chain) 應該是 javascript 新人入門最討厭的東西了。 在這個語言中其實只有幾大類別(number string boolean) Undefined (undefined), used for unintentionally missing values. Null (null), used for intentionally missing values. Booleans (true and false), used for logical operations. Numbers (-100, 3.14, and others), used for math calculations. BigInts (uncommon and new), used for math on big numbers. Strings (“hello”, “abracadabra”, and others), used for text. Symbols (uncommon), used to perform rituals and hide secrets. 比較特別的就是 Object 和 Function 了,先摘錄一些網路大神的圖解。...